Sunday, August 2, 2009

Brenda's First Triathalon Sprint

Saturday August 1st, I finished my first Triathalon Sprint (1/2 mile swim, 12.5 mile bike, 3.1 mile run) at Blue Lake. I was scared to death of the swimming but that turned out to be my favorite part. It was an all women event and every one was very supportive. I did the event with my friend Shelley Normine and her friend Janet (both first timers too). They put our race number and age in marking pen on the back of our legs.. I figured it was so they could identify the bodies when we expired. But we survived and my final time was 1 hr 51 min. I never understood the reason for events like this before, but it helped motivate me to get in shape and I feel better than ever. Without it, I would not have discovered how much I like to swim. I think it may become an annual event and I might even consider doing a full triathalon now.


Amber said...

WAHOO!! Way to go girl!! :)

Sandra Ramey said...

Hey that's pretty impressive! Ha....I like the part about "numbers on our leg so they could identify us" heehee